Fluid mechanics and Mechanical operations quiz 2019

ffo 2019


Q. 1 The liquid flow rate through an equal percentage control valve, when fully open, is 150 gal/min and the corresponding pressure drop is 50 psi. If the specific gravity of the liquid is 0.8, then the valve coefficient,Cv in gal/( min psi0.5) is.........(rounded off to two decimal places).

Q. 2.Consider a cylinder (diameter D and length D), a sphere (diameter D) and a cube (side length D). Which of the following statements concerning the sphericity φ of the above objects is true:

φsphere > φcylinder > φcube
φsphere = φcylinder = φcube
φsphere < φcylinder φcube
φsphere > φcylinder = φcube

Q. 3 For a fully-developed turbulent hydrodynamic boundary layer for flow past a flat plate, the thickness of the boundary layer increases with distance x from the leading edge of the plate, along the free-stream flow direction, as


Q. 4 A centrifugal pump is used to pump water (density 1000 kg / m3 ) from an inlet pressure of 105 Pa to an exit pressure of 2 * 105 Pa. The exit is at an elevation of 10 m above the pump. The average velocity of the fluid is 10 m/s. The cross-sectional area of the pipes at the pump inlet and outlet is 10-3 m2 and acceleration due to gravity is g = 10 m/ s2. Neglecting losses in the system, the power (in Watts) delivered by the pump is..............(rounded off to the nearest integer)..

Q. 5 For a hydraulic lift with dimensions shown in figure, assuming g = 10 m/ s2 , the maximum diameter Dkft(in m) that lifts a vehicle of mass 1000 kg using a force of 100 N is ...........(rounded off to two decimal places).

Q. 6 A disk turbine is used to stir a liquid in a baffled tank. To design the agitator, experiments are performed in a lab-scale model with a turbine diameter of 0.05 m and a turbine impeller speed of 600 rpm. The liquid viscosity is 0.001 Pa s while the liquid density is 1000 kg / m3 . The actual application has a turbine diameter of 0.5m, an impeller speed of 600 rpm, a liquid viscosity' of 0.1 Pa s and a liquid density of 1000 kg / m3 . The effect of gravity is negligible. If the power required in the lab-scale model is P1 and the estimated power for the actual application is P2 then the ratio P2 / P1 is


Q. 7 An incompressible Newtonian fluid flows in a pipe of diameter D1 at volumetric flow rate Q. Fluid with same properties flows in another pipe of diameter D2 = D2 / 2 at the same flow rate Q. The transition length required for achieving fully-developed flow is l1 for the tube of diameter D1 , while it is l2 for the tube of diameter D2. Assuming steady laminar flow in both cases, the ratio l1 / l2 is:


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