Fluid Mechanics and Mechanical operations quiz 2018

ffo 2018


Q. 1 A venturi meter is installed to measure the flow rate of water in a 178 mm diameter (D) pipe. The throat diameter is 102mm. The differential pressure measured using a manometer is 154.3kN/m2 The data given are: discharge coefficient = 0.98; Water density = 1000 kg/m3. The volumetric flow rate of water (in m3/s) is.........(rounded off to two decimal places).

Q. 2.Critical speed of a ball mill depends on

the radius of the mill (shell) and the radius of the particles
the radius of the mill (shell) and the density of the particles
the radius of the balls and the radius of the particles
the radius of the balls and the radius of the mill (shell)

Q. 3 The terminal velocity of a spherical particle in gravitational settling under Stokes regime varies

linearly with the particle diameter
linearly with the viscosity of the liquid
directly with the square of particle diameter
inversely with the density of particle

Q. 4 Under isothermal condition, a vertical tube of length L = 100 m contains a gas of molecular weight equal to 60. The pressure and temperature at the top of the tube are 100 kPa and 25 0C respectively. Consider the universal gas constant and acceleration due to gravity as 8.314J mol-1 K-1 and 9.81ms-2 respectively. If the gas is ideal, the pressure (in kPa) at the bottom of the tube will be.........................(rounded off to third decimal place).

Q. 5 At a shear rate of 10 s-1, the apparent viscosity of a non-Newtonian liquid was found to be 1 Pa s. At a shear rate of 100 s-1, the apparent viscosity of the same liquid was found to be 0.5 Pa s. If the liquid follows power law behavior, the apparent viscosity (in Pa s) at a shear stress of 10 Nm-2 is ......................(rounded off to two decimal place).

Q. 6 In a roll crusher, rolls of diameter 1 m each are set in such a manner that minimum clearance between the crushing surfaces is 15 mm. If the angle of nip is 310, the maximum diameter of the particle (in mm) which can be crushed is ....................... (rounded off to third decimal place).

Q. 7 Match the equipment in Column A with the corresponding process in Column B


Q. 8 The volume of liquid filled in a spherical storage tank of radius R is computed from height of liquid, h, in the outside tube (neglecting the volume of liquid in the outside tube) as

The estimate of liquid height (in m) to store V = 30 m3 of water in R=3m tank, after performing ONE iteration of Secant method, using 1 m and 3m as two initial guesses of liquid height is ...............(rounded off to second decimal place.)

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