Heat transfer quiz 2019

ht 2019


Q. 1 A 20 cm diameter cylindrical solid pellet of a nuclear fuel with density 6000 kg / m3 and conductivity of 300 W/(m K) generates heat by nuclear fission at a spatially uniform rate of 104 W/ kg . The heat from the fuel pellet is transferred to the surrounding coolant by convection such that the pellet wall temperature remains constant at 300 0C. Neglecting the axial and azimuthal dependence, the maximum temperature (in 0C) in the pellet at steady state is.................(rounded off to the nearest integer).

Q. 2.Consider the two countercurrent heat exchanger designs for heating a cold stream from tin to tout as shown in figure. The hot process stream is available at Tin. The inlet stream conditions and overall heat transfer coefficients are identical in both the designs. The heat transfer area in Design I and Design II are respectively AIHX and AIIHX

If heat losses are neglected, and if both the designs are feasible, which of the following statements holds ture:

AIHX > AIIHX , TIout < TIIout
AIHX = AIIHX , TIout = TIIout
AIHX < AIIHX , TIout > TIIout
AIHX < AIIHX , TIout = TIIout

Q. 3 The correct expression for the Colburn j-factor for mass transfer that relates Sherwood number (Sh), Reynolds number (Re) and Schmidt number (Sc) is

Q. 4 Prandtl number signifies the ratio of

Q. 5 Stream A with specific heat capacity CPA = 2000 J / kg K is cooled from 90 0C to 45 0C in a concentric double pipe counter current heat exchanger having a heat transfer area of 8 m2. The cold stream B of specific heat capacity CPB = 1000 J / kgK enters the exchanger at a flow rate 1 kg/s and 40 0C. The overall heat transfer coefficient U = 250 W/( m2 K) . Assume that the mean driving force is based on the arithmetic mean temperature difference, that is where Ti,in and Ti,out refer to the temperature of the ith stream (i = A,B )at the inlet and exit; respectively. The mass flow rate of stream A (in kg/s),is..................(rounded off to two decimal places).

Q. 6 Pool boiling equipment operating above ambient temperature is usually designed to operate

far above the critical heat flux
near the critical heat flux
far above the Leidenfrost point
near the Leidenfrost point

Q. 7 A solid sphere of radius 1cm and initial temperature of 25 0C is exposed to a gas stream at 100 0C. For the solid sphere, the density is 104 kg / m3 and the specific heat capacity is 500J / (kg K) . The density of the gas is 0.6 kg / m3 and its specific heat capacity is 103 J / KgK . The solid sphere is approximated as a lumped system (Biot number <<1) and all specific heats are constant. If the heat transfer coefficient between the solid and gas is 50 W/ m2 K , the time (in seconds) needed for the sphere to reach 95 0C is ...................(rounded off to the nearest integer)

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