Mass transfer quiz 2019

mto 2019


Q. 1 A binary mixture with components A and B is to be separated in a distillation column to obtain 95 mol% A as the top product. The binary mixture has a constant relative volatility αAB = 2. The column feed is a saturated liquid containing 50 mol% A. Under the usual simplifying assumptions such as constant molal overflow, negligible heat loss, ideal trays, the minimum reflux ratio for this separation is ......................(rounded off to one decimal place).

Q. 2.Three distillation schemes for separating an equimolar, constant relative volatility ABC mixture into nearly pure components are shown. The usual simplifying assumptions such as constant molal overflow, negligible heat loss, ideal trays are valid. All the schemes are designed for minimum total reboiler duty. Given that the relative volatilities are in the ratio αA : αBC ≡ 8:2:1, the correct option that arranges the optimally-designed schemes in ascending order of total reboiler duty is


Q. 3 In the drying of non-dissolving solids at constant drying conditions, the internal movement of moisture in the solid has a dominant effect on the drying rate during

the initial adjustment period only
the constant rate period only
the falling rate period only
both the initial adjustment and constant rate periods

Q. 4 A countercurrent absorption tower is designed to remove 95% of component A from an incoming binary gas mixture using pure solvent B. The mole ratio of A in the inlet gas is 0.02. The carrier gas flow rate is 50 kmol/h. The equilibrium relation is given by Y = 2X, where Y and X are the mole ratios of A in the gas and liquid phases, respectively. If the tower is operated at twice the minimum solvent flow rate, the mole ratio of A in the exit liquid stream is________________(rounded off to three decimal places).

Q. 5. 100 kg of a feed containing 50 wt. % of a solute C is contacted with 80 kg of a solvent containing 0.5 wt.% of C in a mixer-settler unit. From this operation, the resultant extract and raffinate phases contain 40 wt.% and 20 wt.% of C, respectively. If E and R denote the mass of the extract and raffinate phases, respectively, the ratio E/R is


Q. 6 Two spherical camphor particles of radii 20 cm and 5 cm, far away from each other, are undergoing sublimation in a stream of air. The mass transfer coefficient is proportional to 1/ √r(t), where r(t) is the radius of the sphere at time t. Assume that the partial pressure of camphor far away from the surface of the particle is zero. Also, assume quasi-steady state, identical ambient conditions, and negligible heat effects. If t1 and t2 are the times required for complete sublimation of the 20 cm and 5 cm camphor particles, respectively, the ratio t1 / t2 is..........................(rounded off to one decimal place).

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