Process calculation and Thermodynamics quiz 2019


CET 2019


Q. 1 Consider a sealed rigid bottle containing CO2 and H2O at 10 bar and ambient temperature. Assume that the gas phase in the bottle is pure CO2 and follows the ideal gas law. The liquid phase in the bottle contains CO2 dissolved in H2O and is an ideal solution. The Henry’s constant at the system pressure and temperature is HCO2 =1000 bar . The equilibrium mole fraction of CO2 dissolved in H2O is ____(rounded off to three decimal places).

Q. 2.For a single component system, vapor (subscript g) and liquid (subscript f) coexist in mechanical, thermal and phase equilibrium when

ug = uf (equality of specific internal energy)
hg = hf (equality of specific enthalpy)
sg = sf (equality of specific entropy)
gg = gf (equality of specific Gibbs free energy)

Q. 3 Consider a rigid, perfectly insulated, container partitioned into two unequal parts by a thin membrane (see figure). One part contains one mole of an ideal gas at pressure Pi and temperature Ti while the other part is evacuated. The membrane ruptures, the gas fills the entire volume and the equilibrium pressure is Pf = Pi/4. If Cp (molar specific heat capacity at constant pressure), Cv (molar specific heat capacity at constant volume) and R (universal gas constant) have the same units as molar entropy, the change in molar entropy (Sf - Si) is

Cp ln2 + Rln4
-Cv ln2 + Rln4
Cp ln2

Q. 4 For a binary nonideal A-B mixture exhibiting a minimum boiling azeotrope, the activity coefficients, γi (i = A, B), must satisfy

γA >1,γB >1
γA <1,γB >1
γA =1,γB =1
γA <1,γB <1

Q. 5 Carbon monoxide (CO) reacts with hydrogen sulphide (H2S) at a constant temperature of 800 K and a constant pressure of 2 bar as:
CO + H2S ↔ COS + H2
The Gibbs free energy of the reaction ∆g0rxn = 22972.3 J / mol and universal gas constant R = 8.314 J / (mol K). Both the reactants and products can be assumed to be ideal gases. If initially only 4 mol of H2S and 1 mol of CO are present, the extent of the reaction (in mol) at equilibrium is...............(rounded off to two decimal places).

Q. 6 Consider a vessel containing steam at 180 °C. The initial steam quality is 0.5 and the initial volume of the vessel is 1 m3. The vessel loses heat at a constant rate q under isobaric conditions so that the quality of steam reduces to 0.1 after 10 hours. The thermodynamic properties of water at 180 °C are (subscript g: vapor phase; subscript f: liquid phase):
specific volume : vg = 0.19405 m3 / kg, vf = 0.001127 m3 / kg
specific internal energy : ug = 2583.7 kJ / kg, uf = 762.08 kJ / kg
specific enthalpy : hg = 22778.2 kJ / kg, hf = 763.21 kJ / kg
The rate of heat loss q (in kJ/hour) is............(rounded off to the nearest integer).

Q. 7 For a given binary system at constant temperature and pressure, the molar volume (in m3 mol) is given by: u = 30 xA + 20 xB + xA xB(15xA - 7xB), where xA and xB are the mole fractions of components A and B, respectively. The volume change of mixing ∆u (in m3/mol) at xA = 0.5 is..................(rounded off to one decimal place).

Q. 8 A fractionator recovers 95 mol% n-propane as the distillate from an equimolar mixture of npropane and n-butane. The condensate is a saturated liquid at 55 0C. The Antoine equation is of the form, ; and the constants are provided below:

Assuming Raoult’s law, the condenser pressure (in bar) is ___________ (rounded of to one decimal place)

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