Process calculation and Thermodynamics quiz 2018

CET 2018


Q. 1 The ammonia (NH3) oxidation process occurs over a catalyst as
4NH3 + 5O2 → 6H2 + 4NO
Air is supplied such that oxygen (O2) is 20% in excess of that required for complete conversion of NH3. The mole fraction of O2 in inlet gas mixture (NH3 + air) is ______. (rounded off to third decimal place).

Q. 2.Consider the following properties:
(P) temperature
(Q) specific gravity
(R) chemical potential
(S) volume
The option which lists ALL the intensive properties is

P and Q
P, Q, and R
P, Q, R and S

Q. 3 The reactant (M) is converted into product (N) in the presence of catalyst in a fixed bed reactor. All the flow rates (F, G, H, P and R) in mol/s, and mole fraction of reactant (M) in these streams (xP, xG, xH, xF and xR) are shown in the diagram.

The overall fractional conversion is

Q. 4 G denotes the Gibbs free energy of a binary mixture, nτ denotes the total number of moles present in the system, μ1 is the chemical potential of the ith component (μ1 ≠ 0 and μ1 > μ2 ) and xi is the mole fraction of the ith component. The correct variation of G/ nT(in J/mol) at constant temperature and pressure is given by

Q. 5 The humidity of air at a dry-bulb temperature of 65 0C is 0.025 water/kg dry air. The latent heat of vaporization of water at 0 0C is 2500 kJ/kg. The psychrometric ratio of air is 0.95 kJ(kg dry air)-1 K-1. Considering 0 0C as reference temperature, the enthalpy of air (in kJ/kg) at its adiabatic saturation temperature of 35 0C is .............(rounded off to two decimal places).

Q. 6 In a closed piston-cylinder system, methane was observed to obey the following equation of state P(V - nb) = nRT Where b = 0.029 m3 /mol. The temperature and volume are 500°C and 5 m3 respectively for 100 moles of methane. At this state of the system, the isobaric rate of change of temperature with volume (in 0C/ m3) is ................ (rounded off to second decimal place).

Q. 7 An azeotropic mixture of ethanol and water is to be separated in a distillation column using benzene as an entrainer. At the column operating conditions, two liquid phases are formed on a tray. The degree(s) of freedom of the system for the choice of intensive properties at equilibrium is (are).......................

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