Process calculations and thermodynamics quiz 2015

CET 2015


Q. 1 For a pure liquid the rate of change of vapour pressure with temperature os 0.1 bar/K in the temperature range of 300 to 350K. If the boiling point of the liquid at 2 bar is 320K, the temperature(in K) at which it will boil at 1 bar (up to one decimal place) is......

Q. 2.If V,U,S and g represent respectively the molar volume, molar internal energy, molar entropy and molar Gibbs free energy, then match the entries in the left and right columns below and choose the correct option

Q. 3 Three identical closed system of a pure gas a are taken from an initial temperature and pressure (T1, P1) to final state (T2 , P2). Each by a different path. Which of the following is ALWAYS S TRUE for the three systems? (Δ represents the change between the initial and final states; U, S, G, Q and W are internal energy, entropy, Gibbs, free energy, heat added and work done, respectively.)

ΔU, ΔS,Q are same
W, ΔU, ΔG are same
ΔS, W,Q are same
ΔG, ΔU, ΔS are same

Q. 4 Given that molar residual Gibbs free energy, gR, and ,molar residual volume, vR, are releated as . Find gR at T = 27 0C and P = 0.2 MPa. The gas may be assumed to follow the virial equation of state, Z=1+BP/RT, where B= -10-4 m3 / mol at the given conditions (R = 8.314 J/mol.K). The value of gR in J/mol is:


Q. 5 An ideal gas is initially at a pressure of 0.1 MPa and a total volume of 2m3. It is first compressed to 1 MPa by a reversible adiabatic process and then cooled at constant presure to a final volume of 0.2m3. The total work done (in kj) on the gas for the entire process (up to one decimal place) is......
Data : R=8.314J/mol.K; heat capacity at constant pressure (CP) = 2.5 R

Q. 6 For a gas phase cracking reaction A → B+C at 300 0C, the Gibbs free energy of the reaction at this temperature is ΔG0= -2750J/mo. The pressure is 1 bar and the gas phase can be assumed to be ideal. The universal gas constant R = 8.314 J/mol.K. The fractional molar conversion of A at equilibrium is:


Q. 7 The schematic diagram of a steady state process is shown below. The fresh feed (F) to the reactor consists of 96 mol% reactant A and 4 mol% inert I. The stoichiometry of the reaction is A® C. A part of the reactor effluent is recycled. The molar flow rate of the recycle stream is 0.3F. The product stream P contains 50 mol%C. The percentage conversion of A in the reactor based on A entering the reactor at point 1 in the figure (up to one decimal place) is ).................

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