Wednesday 20 July 2016


Molecular diffusion
  • Mass transfer process can take place in a gas or vapour or in a liquid, and it can result from the random velocities of the molecules (molecular diffusion) or from the circulating or eddy currents present in a turbulent fluid (eddy diffusion).
  • Molecular diffusion occurs due to movement of individual molecule through a substance by virtue of their thermal energy
  • The phenomenon of molecular diffusion ultimately leads to completely uniform concentration of substances throughout solution which may initially have been nonuniform.
  • For example:-
  1. If a drop of blue copper sulphate solution is placed in a beaker of water, the copper sulphate eventually permeate the entire liquid. the blue color in times everywhere uniform, and no subsequent changes occurs.
  2. In a two phase system not at equilibrium, such as layer of ammonia and air as a gas solution in contact with a layer of liquid water, spontaneous alteration through molecular diffusion also occurs, ultimately bringing the entire system to a state of equilibrium, after that diffusion stops.
  • Hence in molecular diffusion ,if solution is not uniform everywhere in concentration of its constituents, the solution is spontaneously brought to uniformity by diffusion.
  • It means that molecular diffusion is the mechanism of mass transfer in stagnant fluids or in fluids which are moving in laminar flow and the mass transfer takes place from a place of high concentration to low concentration.
  • The rate at which a solute moves at any point in any direction must therefore depend upon concentration gradient at that point and in that direction.
  • rate = molar flux [mol/ (area)(time)]
  • The area is measured in the direction normal to the diffusion

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